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Angelic Reiki Training

Learn how to connect with angels for the benefit of yourself and others

If you are feeling guided to connect with the angelic realms for the benefit of yourself and maybe to share with others too, I deliver all levels of training to enable you to do so.


I am so thankful I am able to share my combined passions (teaching and working with the angels) with you by offering Angelic Reiki training.


Whether you would simply love to learn about the angels and become attuned to their frequencies so you can connect with them easier yourself, or if you would love to be able to share this amazing energy with others, I know if you have an interest in angels in some way, you will love this beautiful training!


Kevin Core was the founder of Angelic Reiki, which he channelled from Archangel Metatron.


There are four levels of training:

Angelic Reiki 1st Degree (for yourself and can be shared with friends and family).

Angelic Reiki 2nd Degree (Practitioner level which can be shared with clients).

Angelic Reiki 3rd Degree (Master Practitioner level which gives you access to even more beings of light).

Angelic Reiki 4th Degree (Master Teacher level which enables you to teach Angelic Reiki to others).


I have been guided to teach Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degrees combined, over four Saturdays relatively close together, so you don't have to wait for a 2nd Degree training if/when you decide you would like to work with 'clients' on a professional basis.


In addition to what you learn within the 1st Degree training, you will also learn how to deliver four more methods of healing, and become attuned to four extra symbols.


This will be beneficial to you whether you simply choose to use Angelic Reiki for yourself, friends and family, or if at some point in the future you feel guided to work with others in a professional capacity.


I still highly recommend you share this amazing gift with friends and family initially, until you feel you are confident and competent.

The angels will guide you all the way!


I deliver Angelic Reiki 3rd and 4th Degree training separately, as I appreciate many people at some point will love to enhance their connection with the angels even more by completing the Master Practitioner level training, whilst fewer feel guided to teach.

Therefore, everyone has the option to train to a level that suits them without attending a training they may never use.


Within the training I deliver,  I share ways I have enhanced the Angelic Reiki process, based on implementing certain aspects of other healing modalities I am trained in, and the experience I have gained.


I have also created Angelic Harmony Reiki Practitioner Training.


For information relating to what you will learn within each level, you can click on the links below.


Love Jo XXX


Thank you Angels

for the gentle souls who are drawn to each of my trainings,

and for the lovely connections that are made.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Angelic Reiki Combined 1st & 2nd Degree

Introduction and Practitioner Training

For yourself, friends and family (1st Degree).

Can also be shared professionally (2nd Degree).

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Angelic Reiki 3rd Degree

Master Practitioner Training

Connect with even more Beings of Light.

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Angelic Reiki 4th Degree

Master Teacher Training

Teach others to channel Angelic Reiki.

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Angelic Harmony Reiki

Practitioner Training

For those already trained in Angelic Reiki to at least Practitioner (2nd Degree) level.

Angelic Reiki is not a replacement for conventional medicine or psychotherapy.  However, it can be used in a complementary way.  If you are currently taking prescribed medication or have a medical condition, it is in your best interest to consult your doctor  to seek their advice in relation to you attending a training. 

I am not medically trained.

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