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Soul Nurturing 1-1 Sessions including Angelic Harmony Reiki

Live via Zoom

Angelic Reiki and More!

Angelic Reiki is the most beautiful gift from the angels to us of pure, unconditional love and light.


This energy knows what is needed to create harmony within a living being, and is received on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, as well as in multi dimensions.


Those attuned to Angelic Reiki have the ability to channel many different high frequency energies from the Angelic Kingdom of Light, for the highest purpose of those open to receiving Angelic Reiki.


You could think of this as being similar to using a radio to listen to a particular station, and how you are able to use the tuner to connect with the required frequency of that station. The radio is the receiver. It easily connects with the desired frequencies, as it has been programmed to do so.


Angelic Reiki Practitioners connect with the angels in a similar way, so they can call upon their energy for healing.​​​

Angelic Harmony Reiki

​I personally created Angelic Harmony Reiki back in 2019.


This was after attending Sound Healer Training in London with Tim Wheater and Cherub, and feeling totally inspired with one aspect of the training, which was learning how to share the most powerful instrument there is - the voice.


I was already qualified in Angelic Reiki, and the experience I had of this was so profound.


I found myself shifting from extreme fear of sharing my voice and all the limiting beliefs associated with that, to thanking the Angels for helping me - just to get me through it!


I shared my voice with total surrender, and after gently easing myself into everything (and cutting a long story short), I discovered I was channelling the choirs of Angels!


Upon returning home from the training I spent some time refining this process, sharing sessions with willing volunteers, and finally becoming insured to share this with others in a professional capacity.


Angelic Harmony Reiki is a fusion of Angelic Reiki combined with sound healing using the voice, where the person sharing the healing has an enhanced connection with Archangel Sandalphon (the Angel in charge of music and sound in Heaven), and channels the choirs of Angels through their voice.


What an Angelic Harmony Reiki session consists of


My Angelic Harmony Reiki sessions are for 90-minutes, and are delivered live via Zoom.


Within each session I combine a number of modalities I am qualified in, as I know this creates a more beneficial experience.


At the beginning of each session I allow time for a comprehensive consultation, which provides you with an opportunity to reflect upon different areas of your life.


Within your first consultation, if you would like me to I can also briefly refer to your Soul Plan chart. This is created using the full name you were given at birth, which contains information relating to the challenges, talents and goals your soul has chosen to experience in this lifetime.


This information may also assist with which Angels/Beings of Light I will call in for you.


There is time at the end of the session for you to reflect upon these questions again, to identify what has shifted.


I also incorporate meditation, as this will help to ease you into the perfect relaxed state, to be open to receiving the relevant healing for you.


I will check your chakras at the beginning and end of the session.


I verbalise relevant parts of the Angelic Harmony Reiki process out loud, which helps you to track what's happening, and know when it's time to bring your energy and awareness back into your physical body at the end of the healing.


You may receive a message from the Angels if this is relevant.


I don't need to place my hands on you to connect the Angelic energies with you, as I have been attuned to the distance healing symbols.


Therefore, I can connect the energies with you using pure intention (with your permission obviously).


I will explain everything to you at the beginning of the session, and answer any questions you may have.


What you may experience

​Every Angelic Harmony Reiki session is unique. Experiences can include:


Feeling totally relaxed and at peace.


Physical awareness of the energy being received (cool/warm/tingling feelings).


A 'daydream' state.


Releasing of emotions.


An awareness or knowing of which Angels/Beings of Light are connecting.


When healing is received at the deepest level, it is unconscious. We are not aware of it having taken place at all, in that moment. However, conscious clarification may be noticed afterwards, perhaps by a shift of perception in relation to something previously perceived as a challenge.


If you are meant to be aware of the healing you have received, then you will be.


The energies I feel guided to work with

There are a number of different energies I can channel in relation to Angelic Reiki.


I have refined my process, and the energies I most resonate with over the years.


Within my Angelic Harmony Reiki sessions I can connect with:



The Seraphim

Ascended Masters

Divine Feminine Energies


I would only call upon one or two of these energies within a session, based on which would benefit you most in relation to your reason for wanting the session.


It is an honour to share Angelic Harmony Reiki

As the creator of Angelic Harmony Reiki, I really do feel truly honoured to be able to offer this to those drawn to receive it.


The investment for a Soul Nurturing session including Angelic Harmony Reiki with me (90-minutes) is £88.


I have a special offer at the moment, where I am offering these sessions for £77.


If you feel guided to book a session, it will be lovely to hear from you.


Book Your Angelic Harmony Reiki Session

90 Minutes​​

Usually £88



Angelic Harmony Reiki is not a replacement for conventional medicine or psychotherapy.  However, it can be experienced in a complementary way.  If you are currently taking prescribed medication or have a medical condition, it is in your best interest to consult your doctor to seek their advice in relation to you experiencing Angelic Harmony Reiki. 

I am not medically trained.

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