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If you are feeling guided to nurture yourself spiritually - whether this be from experiencing the positive effects of connecting with the amazing energies of Angels, the healing powers of sound or the deepest parts of your soul, you are in the right place.


I invite you to look around this website to clarify how my workshops, training, 1-1 sessions and group sessions could be of benefit to you.


How are you - really?

Perhaps you are suddenly feeling lost, unsettled or unsatisfied.


Or maybe you are yearning for 'more' - even if you don't consciously know what this is.


Shifts are happening

We are all part of a huge shift right now, as the vibration of the earth is rising. We are being given the opportunity to reflect in relation to what is no longer in alignment with our soul, and to gently, lovingly release (in relation to divine timing and the highest purpose of all) - which in turn creates space for what we are truly aligned with now to manifest.


This can be daunting!


You are not alone

I understand. We all feel like this at certain times in our lives, and whilst we always have the resources we need in any given moment, sometimes it can be beneficial to connect with others we are drawn to, to assist us with our process.


How I can assist you

There are three main areas in which I feel guided to work. These are:


Helping you to connect with Angels easily for the benefit of yourself and others through my Angel workshops, Angelic Reiki training, Angelic Harmony Reiki sessions and monthly Angel Meditation Groups.


Assisting you to remember and realign with the calling of your soul through my Soul Plan readings, which are based on the full name you were given at birth.


Sharing sound healing to help your mind, body and soul achieve balance and harmony, through using the amazing frequencies of tuning forks, and channelling the Choirs of Angels with my voice.


I have personally experienced the benefits of everything I deliver, and the 1-1 sessions, workshops and training I offer are as a result of me having taken aligned action in relation to what truly resonates at soul level for me.


Everything I share is energy based and of a spiritual nature, and delivered live online via Zoom - unless otherwise stated.


I look forward to connecting with you

I invite you to take a look around this website, to see if what I offer resonates with you.


I look forward to hearing from you if you feel guided to work with me.


Love Jo. XX

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Connect with Angels

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Connect with your Soul

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Connect with Others

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Sound Healing

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My Book on Amazon

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My Journal on Amazon

Contact Me

Please take a moment to fill out the form if you would like more information.

It will be lovely to hear from you.

Thanks for submitting!


The sessions, workshops and training I deliver are not replacements for conventional medicine or psychotherapy.  However, they can be attended in a complementary way.  If you are currently taking prescribed medication or have a medical condition, it is in your best interest to consult your doctor  to seek their advice in relation to you attending a session, workshop or training.  I am not medically trained.

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