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Mid-Year Review Assisted by Angels

1 Day Workshop

Delivered live via Zoom

Saturday 17th June

10.00am - 4.00pm

Would you love the opportunity to connect with like-minded souls and the angels, reflect upon your experience of 2023 so far, and think about what you might like to lovingly release or welcome in as you continue your journey throughout this year?


Within this workshop you will be given the opportunity to:


Reflect upon how the first half of 2023 has been for you.


Experience a simple one-card reading.


Participate in guided meditations with angels.


Connect with your Guardian Angel.


Clarify what some of your talents are in relation to your unique *Soul Plan chart (which is created using the full name you were given at birth).


Align with an intention for the rest of the year.


Learn about the monthly group sessions I offer, as an opportunity for continued group support.



This workshop is delivered from 10.00am - 4.00pm


Breaks and lunch will be away from the computer, so we all have regular rest times away from our screens.



The energy exchange for this lovely 1 day workshop is £55.



Book your place before the end of April for £44

Simply enter the code EARLYBIRDANGEL in the coupon code box when making your payment below


Places are limited due to my preference for teaching within small groups, and can be booked upon full payment of the energy exchange.



To book your place, simply click the link at the bottom of this page.


It will be lovely to connect with you.


Love Jo XX


 This workshop is fully accredited.


*I will not be giving full Soul Plan readings within this workshop, as full readings are delivered over 90 minutes. I will simply be sharing keywords from one of the seven aspects of your Soul Plan chart, with the intention of you reflecting in relation to how you are embodying these as part of your Soul's journey.


For more information about my full Soul Plan Readings, click here.



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Mid-Year Review Assisted by Angels

1-Day Workshop

10.00am - 4.00pm

Live via Zoom


Energy exchange £55

or £44 if you book your place before the end of April

use code EARLYBIRDANGEL when making your payment to receive this discount

This workshop is not a replacement for conventional medicine or psychotherapy.  However, it can be experienced in a complementary way.  If you are currently taking prescribed medication, it is in your best interest to consult your doctor to seek their advice in relation to you attending this workshop.

I am not medically trained.

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